Ladyslipper Therapy
Ladyslipper Therapy

flow (flō) v.i. : to stream forth from a source; fluid with continuity and rhythm
flow-er (flou'Ər) n. : the combination of organs of reproduction in a plant; blossom; the brightest, finest,
choicest part, period or specimen of anything
to approach the growth of our soul,
we may begin by going to the source of how we carry our stories in our bodies
Maya Abdominal Therapy
• Fertility Enhancement
• Regulate the Menstrual Cycle
• Improve Prolapse and Tilted Uterus
• Decrease Period Pain
• Postpartum Recovery
• Bladder and Yeast Infections
• Uterine Fibroids/Ovarian Cysts
• Pregnancy Discomfort
• Pelvic Congestion and Pain
• Abdominal Adhesions & Scar Tissue
• Peri/Menopausal Symptoms
• Digestive Disorders
• Male Reproductive/Urinary Health
• Body Reconnection
Prenatal, Pregnancy and Postpartum Massage & Education
Preconception, pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period are doorways of initiation. In supporting the Mother, the baby will have all she or he needs.
Therapeutic Massage
Treatments derive from a culmination of therapies including Swedish Massage, Deep Tisssue, Reflexology and Visceral Manipulation.
Flower Essences
"The action of certain flowers, shrubs and trees that grow in the wild raise our vibrations and open our channels for the reception of the Spiritual Self to flood our natures with the particular virtue we need, and wash out from us the fault that is causing the harm."
- Edward Bach